Values in this list can be fully qualified names (e.g. ''), in which case they will be matched against the request’s Host header exactly (case-insensitive, not including port). A value beginning with a period can be used as a subdomain wildcard: '' will match,, and any other subdomain of A value of '*' will match anything; in this case you are responsible to provide your own validation of the Host header (perhaps in a middleware; if so this middleware must be listed first in MIDDLEWARE).


In [1]: from django.http.request import validate_host

In [2]: allowed_hosts = ['']

In [3]: validate_host('', allowed_hosts)
Out[3]: True

In [4]: validate_host('', allowed_hosts)
Out[4]: False

In [5]: allowed_hosts = ['']

In [6]: validate_host('', allowed_hosts)
Out[6]: True

In [7]: validate_host('', allowed_hosts)
Out[7]: True

In [8]: validate_host('', allowed_hosts)
Out[8]: True

In [9]: allowed_hosts = ['*']

In [10]: validate_host('', allowed_hosts)
Out[10]: False

In [11]: validate_host('', allowed_hosts)
Out[11]: False
  • django/http/ — get_host

    def get_host(self):
        """Return the HTTP host using the environment or request headers."""
        host = self._get_raw_host()
        # There is no hostname validation when DEBUG=True
        if settings.DEBUG:
            return host
        domain, port = split_domain_port(host)
        if domain and validate_host(domain, settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS):
            return host
            msg = "Invalid HTTP_HOST header: %r." % host
            if domain:
                msg += " You may need to add %r to ALLOWED_HOSTS." % domain
                msg += " The domain name provided is not valid according to RFC 1034/1035."
            raise DisallowedHost(msg)
  • django/http/ — validate_host

    def validate_host(host, allowed_hosts):
        Validate the given host for this site.
        Check that the host looks valid and matches a host or host pattern in the
        given list of ``allowed_hosts``. Any pattern beginning with a period
        matches a domain and all its subdomains (e.g. ```` matches
        ```` and any subdomain), ``*`` matches anything, and anything
        else must match exactly.
        Note: This function assumes that the given host is lower-cased and has
        already had the port, if any, stripped off.
        Return ``True`` for a valid host, ``False`` otherwise.
        host = host[:-1] if host.endswith('.') else host
        for pattern in allowed_hosts:
            if pattern == '*' or is_same_domain(host, pattern):
                return True
        return False
  • django/utils/ — is_same_domain

    def is_same_domain(host, pattern):
        Return ``True`` if the host is either an exact match or a match
        to the wildcard pattern.
        Any pattern beginning with a period matches a domain and all of its
        subdomains. (e.g. ```` matches ```` and
        ````). Anything else is an exact string match.
        if not pattern:
            return False
        pattern = pattern.lower()
        return (
            pattern[0] == '.' and (host.endswith(pattern) or host == pattern[1:]) or
            pattern == host


Changed in Django 1.10.3:
In older versions, ALLOWED_HOSTS wasn’t checked if DEBUG=True. This was also changed in Django 1.9.11 and 1.8.16 to prevent a DNS rebinding attack.

Domain Name Mapping vs. Nginx vs. ALLOWED_HOSTS

Domain Name Mapping
Type Origin Record TTL
A * 10 minutes
A @ 10 minutes
  • A for IP AddressesCNAME for Domain Name Aliases
  • * match *
  • @ just match
  • Match * and
  • Match * and,Same as Nginx


[1] Docs@DjangoProject, ALLOWED_HOSTS

results matching ""

    No results matching ""