Source Code
import gevent from gevent.event import Event ''' Illustrates the use of events ''' evt = Event() def setter(): '''After 10 seconds, wake all threads waiting on the value of evt''' print('A: Hey wait for me, I have to do something') gevent.sleep(10) print("A: Ok, I'm done") evt.set() def waiter(): '''After 10 seconds the get call will unblock''' print("B: I'll wait for you") evt.wait() # blocking print("B: It's about time") def main(): gevent.joinall([ gevent.spawn(setter), gevent.spawn(waiter), gevent.spawn(waiter), gevent.spawn(waiter), gevent.spawn(waiter), gevent.spawn(waiter), ]) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
$ python A: Hey wait for me, I have to do something B: I'll wait for you B: I'll wait for you B: I'll wait for you B: I'll wait for you B: I'll wait for you # 10 seconds later A: Ok, I'm done B: It's about time B: It's about time B: It's about time B: It's about time B: It's about time
gevent + Django
- Javacript: Re Ajax Request in
- Django: evt.wait() # blocking
- See
[1] TIMEX@StackOverflow, Does Django have a way to open a HTTP long poll connection?
[2] DeveloperWorks@IBM, Reverse Ajax, Part 1: Introduction to Comet